Stracathro Radiology Department

stracathro radiology department area

Services Provided

There is a clinical radiology department in the SRTC which caters primarily for outpatient referrals across Tayside.  Referrals from South Grampian as well as Stracathro Hospital inpatients are also received. The department also provides an open access system for GP referrals between 9.30am-noon and 1.15-4pm, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The department provides CT, MRI, fluroscopy and ultrasound scanning as well as x-ray facilities for a wide range of examinations.

Opening Times

We are open Monday-Friday from 8.30am-5pm.


We have a core staff of radiographers, assistant practitioner and radiography assistants to provide the service, supplemented by staff based at other sites in Angus and the rest of Tayside.

Consultant radiologists are on site every day.


We are a recognised training department for student radiographers and for much of the academic year we are training radiography students from the Robert Gordon University.

The department also supports post graduate training for specialist registrar radiologists.
stracthro radiology department equipment
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022