Orthoptic Treatment -- Additional Information

Does your child refuse to wear glasses or a patch?

Trying to get your child to wear glasses or an eye patch for the first time can be difficult. You are not the only one who is struggling and this leaflet provides some helpful advice.
Glasses should be worn all day until bed-time. A patch should be worn for the total number of hours each day your orthoptist has advised.
It is important that the same person takes on the role of getting your child to wear their glasses or eye patch as this lets your child see that the adult is in control.
This person needs to put the glasses or eye patch on your child. Do not ask your child if they would like to wear their glasses or patch, it must be you that decides it is time. Words that can be used are: “mummy says it’s time for your glasses/patch”. If your child removes their glasses or patch, simply say nothing but put their glasses or patch back on. You are in control. Do not give up; no matter how many times your child may remove their glasses or patch, you must be consistent and persevere.
Once the glasses or patch have been worn correctly, only you can take it off when it is time. Please do not let your child do this.
Try to distract your child by playing a game or an activity they enjoy. Give your child lots of praise for keeping their glasses or patch on. Try to explain to other family members and friends the importance of not drawing attention to the fact that your child is wearing their glasses or patch but to keep them distracted.
Sticker reward charts can also be helpful. Your orthoptist may have given your child a patch poster to use or you could use a reward chart.
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