Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone regardless of age, background, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion.

At least 1:4 women experience domestic abuse. Pregnancy is a time when this can often start or worsen for a woman.

Often when people think of domestic abuse they think of physical violence, but domestic abuse is very often so much more than that. Domestic abuse can come in all different ways including financial, emotional and sexual. For many women who live with domestic abuse there will be no scars, bruises or broken bones, but for some it can take their life. No one kind of abuse is more serious than any other.

During pregnancy, it increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, infection, physical injury to the baby and even death. In addition to the physical risks the unborn baby’s emotional development is likely to be affected.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse then inform your midwife, health visitor or G.P who can support you. Alternatively you can access information on support by accessing the following links.

If you, your baby or children are at immediate risk then call 999 straight away

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