Obstetric Unit (Labour Ward)

Ninewells Maternity Main Image
In an obstetric unit (OU), care is provided by a team of midwives and doctors. You will be looked after by midwives, but doctors will be available if you need their help.
Labour and Birth in an obstetric unit benefits women who have problems either with their own health or the current pregnancy. You may be encouraged to have an obstetric unit birth if during your pregnancy you have complications which indicate that this is the safest option for you and your baby.
There are many reasons why an obstetric unit would be suggested as the best place for you to give birth and you will be able to discuss those reasons individually with your consultant and midwife. It is important to know you will still have choices about the care you receive and will be encouraged to participate in any necessary decision making processes. Your midwives and doctors will provide information about what your obstetric unit can offer. Although the environment is more clinical, we try to make it as comfortable as possible for you and your partner.


• direct access to obstetricians if your labour becomes complicated
• direct access to anaesthetists, who provide pain relief options such as epidural and will assist in labour suite & theatre if so required
• specialists in newborn care (neonatologists) and a special care baby unit if there are any problems with your baby


• you may go home directly from the labour ward or you may be moved to a postnatal ward
• women giving birth in OU are more likely to have an epidural, episiotomy, or a forceps or ventouse delivery. Statistically, you're more likely to have medical interventions, for example a c-section, if you're planning a birth in a labour ward

Ninewells Labour Ward

Labour ward is situated in Ninewells Hospital and is both for healthy women and those with complications who may require more support during labour and birth.
The care is provided by a team of midwives, obstetricians and anaesthetists, who want to provide you with the best birth experience possible.
We have 7 birthing rooms where you will be provided with 1-1 care from a midwife and will also have the care of an obstetrician and sometimes and anaesthetist.
We provide all levels of pain relief from TENS machines, analgesia by injection and epidural anaesthesia. We also have active birth equipment such as balls and floor mats. We have a Birth pool coming soon.
Within Obstetric Labour Ward we have the facilities to monitor your baby as and when required using intermittent or continuous monitoring.
There is a theatre in Obstetric Labour Ward should you require to have your baby by caesarean section. You would then be transferred back to your labour room or to our Observation Area within labour ward after your surgery is finished.
The Observation Area of Labour Ward is for women who require more monitoring of their pregnancy or for a time after the birth of their baby. Again, the care here is provided by midwives and obstetricians and sometimes anaesthetists.
We also provide a dedicated suite adjacent to labour Ward called the Tulip Suite. This suite is for the care of women who have suffered a pregnancy loss and provides privacy and quiet.
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1926 - 2022