Birth Reflections

Birth Reflections

Who we are

Birth Reflections is a confidential midwife run service that provides women, birthing people and birth partners with an opportunity to talk about their birth experiences; ask questions about what happened; share feelings and check-in on emotional wellbeing; and to reflect on their overall birth experience.

The Birth Reflection Service supplies a singular appointment for women (and partners) to reflect on their childbirth experience and answer any unresolved questions they may have if they birthed in the Tayside area.

We are a new service for NHS Tayside, and we work from a range of hospital based and community locations across Tayside, as well as offering NearMe appointments where appropriate.

We accept self-referrals from women, birthing people who have birthed their baby in the NHS Tayside area.

There are no referral forms; all the service requires is a self-referral with name, date of birth and address to

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HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022