For Parents

Puffin on ground Neonatal services
We recognise that you, the baby’s family, are the most important people in your baby’s care. We know that this can be an anxious and frightening time for you so hopefully you will find useful information and links here and in your welcome pack.
During the early days on the neonatal unit, parents often think that there is nothing they can do for their baby and sometimes feel helpless. This could not be further from the truth. If you are able to be there with your baby you are actively supporting your baby’s development.
Adjusting to life outside of the womb can be quite stressful in the early days, but your baby knows your voice, your touch and your smell, therefore we would encourage you to spend as much time with your baby as possible in order to help care for them. We will show you how to do this safely and we will include you in as many of the decisions about your baby’s care as possible.
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022