Angus Palliative Care Day Services

Day Care Services operates over Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. To help provide service closer to home currently the team offer Day Care across two sites:  Stracathro on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and Forfar on a Wednesday however referrals are accepted from across Angus.

Day Care provides a friendly, relaxed and supportive environment for patients who want to enhance their independence and quality of life.

Day care is available to people who live in and around Angus with cancer and other life limiting illness.

A range of services are available to help you to live with your illness and any problems associated with it. This includes practical and emotional support from the multidisciplinary team, self management and rehabilitation support. We also offer selected day treatments such as blood transfusions.

The service offers patient and carers increased choice, flexibility and support and provides an opportunity for them to access specialist staff, including medical, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and Social Work input as well as benefit advice.

Who is in the team?

The multidisciplinary team includes doctors, nurses, occupational therapist and access to physiotherapy, chaplain and dietician. The team is also well supported by volunteers.

How can you be referred?

You can be referred by your General Practitioner, District Nurse, Hospital Specialist, Community Macmillan Nurse, relative or carer. You can also refer yourself to the unit.

What happens after you have been referred?

We will contact you by telephone and invite you to visit Day Care with your family/carer. This gives you an opportunity to see the unit, meet staff and discuss your needs. We will then agree to how often and when you wish to attend or access the facilities, depending on places and days available.

What happens when you attend Day Care?

Within your first month's attendance you will be assessed by different members of the day care team such as the nurse or occupational therapist.

After a set period of time, normally 3 months, the day care team will work with you on your plan of care.


We encourage people to make use of their own transport to day care, where possible. Volunteer transport can be arranged if required.


Refreshments and lunch are provided free and any special dietary needs can be catered for.


Please bring any medication you may require with you during your attendance.

Day Care Times

Open to patients Monday to Friday 9.30am - 3.30 pm (excluding public holidays)

Staff available from 8.30am - 4.30pm

Contact Us

Telephone: 01356 665014 (24 hour answer machine available)
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1926 - 2022